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DBZ News
The new season has aired on Cartoon Network.
The new season will be the Android Saga. They include Future Trunks, Androids and Cell. It will be airing in September 2000 on Cartoon Network. Sorry but GT won't air atleast until 2002. Man am I pissed. In Argentina and other countries they are way ahead of us. And did you know Cartoon Network leaves out some information. They never show the complate saga.

You can get the Dragon Ball Z cards at Burger King. It is a card and a toy.

The Japanese Ban-Dai figurines are not coming to the USA anymore.Now they are hard to find.

The new Model Kits are moveable now they are hot.

The Trunks tapes are avalaible at your video stores.


I try to update every day, sometimes I forget. I will try to add more pictures and clips for you guys.